Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity



MTI on tour: Bristol recap

MTI goes on tour! Our focus for 2023 is to continue to promote a sense of community amongst massage therapists while providing opportunities for CPD with experts in our field.

Conference 2022: The Message of Massage from workshop leader Earle Abrahamson

In writing this blog, I decided to reflect on my experience as a therapist but equally advisor and educator. I discovered massage when I sustained a life changing knee injury as a youth. I was an enthusiastic cricketer, and whilst batting in a cup match I lunged forward and felt that awkward twist in my right knee. This was swiftly followed by an audible popping sound. I was overcome by pain and shock and recall being carried off the pitch. Apart from the physical discomfort I became psychologically aware of what my future in the sport may become. Endless appointments with consultants and specialists served to enforce the prospects of never being able to competitively play the sport I enjoyed most. I was determined to find a way back, to research possibility, and discover hope. My resilience and perseverance paid off when I met a musculoskeletal physician. This doctor took time to explain the dynamics and mechanics of the injury, involved me in the decision making, and exposed me to the world of soft tissue therapy. This impactful and empowering experience let me to understand how manipulation of soft tissue enables enhancement of movement. For me, the inquiry into discovering possibility changed my perceptions and hope of outcomes.

Conference 2022: Dementia, trauma and how therapists can help

By workshop leader, Nicolle Mitchell originally written for FHT.

Touch Shown to Relieve Depression in Dementia

Touch Therapy in Dementia

C-19 Update: QR Codes

Update to NHS guidance

If you have already printed a QR code you'll have been sent this guidance, but for those that haven't:

Lone Working Safety

Ros Cope

Welcome from new MTI Board member

Jennie Parke Matheson

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Guidance and Safety Measures

A guide to assessing whether a client has DVT, including COVID-19 risk, by Earle Abrahamson

If you’ve never heard of it or are not sure what I’m talking about when referring to a DVT, it stands for “Deep Vein Thrombosis,” which is the formation of a blood clot in the lower limb.

Growth and challenge

Kate Browne, National Massage Champion

Move your business forward: a case study

By Sarah Bryan, MTI member Sarah Bryan

I have been in clinical practice for seven years and I love what I do. However, a year ago, I was almost at the point of giving up. Despite my passion, skills and bundle of qualifications, I was losing more money than I was making, in a desperate attempt to try and create a viable business. I knew that, if I had not found a viable solution by the end of 2018, I would have to throw in the towel, after six and a half years of trying and failing to make things work. Does this sound familiar? If so, read on!

Connecting Traditional Medicine with Complementary Therapies

A Review of the Integrative Heath ConventionBy Earle Abrahamson

Gerry Andrews, Earle Abrahamson, Jennie Parke Matheson

Supervision Stories

The next blog in our supervision series, here members share what supervision means to them, and how it has helped them to develop as a massage therapist.

Have you done your tax return?

It’s that time of year: the leaves are turning golden brown, the children are back to school and the longer nights have us turning inwards.

How to get back into massage practise after a career break

Whether you’ve taken maternity or paternity leave, had time off to focus on other work, spent time travelling, had a lengthy illness or just needed some downtime, after a massage career break it may feel daunting to start your practice up again.

What is supervision?

Sue Attrill, experienced supervisor and supervisee, explains what happens in a supervision session, the value of it and benefits it can bring to your massage practice.

Super supervision

You’ve completed your diploma, you’ve passed your exams, time to celebrate your achievement and what you’ve learnt.

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